
Funding to help create high school STEM program for underrepresented students

两位老师在课堂上使用蜂鸟机器人套件 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 在梅花高中举办STEAM夏令营培训. The kits are just one of many technologies and resources available in 美国广播公司(ABC)创建's lending library for educators in the 14 member school districts.


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校获得了25美元的奖励,从Arconic基金会获得了1万美元的资助来创建一个新的, 课外科学, 技术, 工程, 专门为当地高中生开设的数学课程. The program will be developed in partnership between the campus' digital innovation lab, the 新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂及其K-12合作项目美国广播公司(ABC)创建. 


“干教育 and skill sets not only prepare people to fill current and future talent demands in many fields, 但也被认为对经济健康至关重要,雪莉·麦克利里说, 数字铸造厂的执行董事. “虽然我们将强调STEM领域的机会, 我们还将帮助学员磨练沟通等基本技能, 协作, 解决问题和树立个人品牌, and we will partner with Arconic and other local business and industry to expand understanding of opportunities and pathways in STEM fields.”


The 新肯辛顿 campus was one of 21 chosen awardees in the most recent grant process. Nonprofit partnerships are selected based on Arconic Foundation’s funding priorities and local needs. Arconic Foundation invests in programs that: create skill-building learning experiences, specifically within STEM; protect the world around us and ensure a sustainable future; help build a more equitable society that reflects the diversity of all people; and help people meet their basic needs, 包括粮食安全, 住房和保健.


“Arconic Foundation is building on our long history of partnership in the region, 与新的和过去的非营利合作伙伴一起工作,戴安娜·托曼说, Arconic Foundation president and executive vice president and chief legal officer of Arconic. “We are grateful for the opportunity to support and work with these organizations that share our values, 表现出对社区的坚定承诺, and show innovation in their approaches to improving the lives of those they serve.” 


The goal of the new program will be to address educational challenges and opportunities created by Industry 4.0, a term used by manufacturing experts marking the shift in industry caused by digital transformation, and to continue the campus’ regional projects and initiatives related to strengthening future-ready skill sets in students, 劳动力和铁锈地带社区.


“Any time that we can provide opportunities to build upon what students experience in the classroom, we are strengthening opportunities for them to further explore and to advance their learning,科琳·史密斯解释道, 新肯辛顿校区的STEAM外展协调员 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 协调员. “Industry professionals will bring real-world experiences and current-use cases to share with both the students and educators involved. Students will be encouraged to approach their learning with agency and curiosity, and educators will be granted insider views bridging the gaps between classrooms and workplaces.”


The proposed program will have a particular focus on students in grades nine-12 from underrepresented populations and plans to bridge their classroom learning experiences to those in the real world through relevant STEAM experiences and through connections to industry networks and future opportunities. 秋季学期将专注于规划, 发展和设计后勤要素和教学策略, as well as recruiting students with the assistance of local school districts and organizations. 在春季学期, students will come together on a monthly basis to engage in STEM activities, 行业指导和专业职业探索与发展. The culminating program activity will be a week-long summer camp experience held at the newly built 新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂 in early summer 2022.


“通过与数字铸造厂及其雇主赞助商和合作伙伴合作, we will be able to magnify the impact we have on the high school students who participate,史密斯继续说. “免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 and 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 bring the understanding of teaching and learning, 数字铸造厂为学习添加了现实世界的用例. 另外, interacting with industry professionals will help the high school students gain insights, 不仅仅是各种潜在的STEAM职业, 但也有很多途径可以进入这些职业.”



新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂, 目前正在新肯辛顿第五大道修建, 宾西法尼亚, 将是15,044-square-foot innovation and manufacturing lab space aimed at building future-ready awareness and skill sets for the manufacturing industry, K-16教育部门, 目前和未来的劳动力和社区成员在西南PA. 实验室收到 $5.理查德·金·梅隆基金会提供的500万美元资金, as well as a $1 million matching gift from Penn State through the Economic Development Matching 程序, 它当前运动的一个创举, “为21世纪的卓越成就打造更伟大的免费mg不朽情缘试玩.” A collaborative effort between 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 and the Economic Growth Connection of Westmoreland, 铸造厂的使命是推动思想的发展, 通过应用数字技术学习和解决问题. 保持最新的数字铸造厂在 DigitalFoundryNK.com.


Formed in 2014 as a way for school districts in the campus’ local region to work together to integrate technologies and project-based learning, 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 has grown into a community of hundreds of educators from 14 school districts learning and growing together to provide thousands of students opportunities and preparation for a rapidly-changing world. 由免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校协调, 这项工作还包括与格拉布尔基金会的合作, Arconic基金会和社区机器人, Education and 技术 Empowerment Lab (CREATE Lab) at Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute. 自成立以来, the collaborative continues to strengthen its work to provide regional educators with training opportunities, 工具和最佳实践. 2019年,美国广播公司(ABC)创建被授予a 通过宾夕法尼亚州州长办公室的PAsmart advance Grant 进一步开展工作, as well as align with the campus' increased attention in bringing innovation, 为K-12学生提供创业和相关的基本技能, 艾尔-基斯基山谷地区的工业和社区.

